The Curious Case of Convex Functions

by Pritish Jadhav, Mrunal Jadhav - Sat, 24 Aug 2019
Tags: #python #Matrices #Convexity #Optimization.

The Curious Case of Convex Functions

  • Most of the introductory courses for Machine Learning cover algorithms like Linear Regression and Logistic Regression with varying degrees of detail.
  • The resources are plentiful for grasping the nitty gitties involved. However, I rarely found traditional courses diving into proving the convexity of MSE loss function.
  • Most of the online resources often skim through the part where they define the cost function for Regression Algorithms using MSE where the cost function is claimed to be a convex function.
  • The convexity property unlocks a crucial advantage where the local minima of a convex function is also a global minima.
  • This ensures that a model can be trained where the loss function is minimized to its globally minimum value.

Proving Convexity -

  • In this blog post, we shall work through the concepts needed to prove the convexity of a function.
  • So hang in tight and by the end of this article, you would have a better understanding of -

a. Symmetric Matrices.
b. Hessian Matrices.
c. Postive and Negative Definite/Semidefinite Matrices.
d. Proving convexity of functions.

Without much further ado, let's jump into it.

Basics of Matrices -

We shall touch base on some of the basic concepts in Matrices that will help us in proving the convexity of a function. These basics are typically covered in Undergraduate Courses and should sound familiar to you.

1. Square Matrix -

Given a matrix X of dimensions $m \times n$, X is a square matrix iff (if and only if) m = n. In other words, A matrix 'X' is called a square matrix if the number of matrix rows is equal to the number of columns.

$$ \begin{align} X = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ 8 & 9 & 10 \end{bmatrix}_{3 \times 3} \end{align} $$

In the above example, since the number of rows (m) = number of columns (3), X can be termed as a square matrix.

In [108]:
## basic python imports
import numpy as np
from IPython.core.display import display,HTML
from sklearn.datasets import make_spd_matrix

display(HTML('<style>.prompt{width: 0px; min-width: 0px; visibility: collapse}</style>'))
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))
In [109]:
### python function for checking whether a matrix is a square matrix. 

def check_square_matrix(X):
    if X.shape[0] == X.shape[1]:
        return True
        return False
A = np.random.randn(3,3)
B = np.random.randn(4,5)

print("Is Matrix A a Square Matrix: - {0}".format(check_square_matrix(A)))
print("Is Matrix B a Square Matrix  - {0}".format(check_square_matrix(B)))
Is Matrix A a Square Matrix: - True
Is Matrix B a Square Matrix  - False

2. Symmetric Matrix -

A square matrix 'X' is termed as symmetric if $x_{ij} = x_{ji}$ for all i and j where i, j denotes the ith row and jth column respectively. In other words, a matrix X is syemmetric if the transpose of X if equal to matrix X.

i.e, $$ \begin{align} X^T = X \end{align} $$

In [110]:
## function for checking if a matrix is symmetric

def check_symmetry(X):
    if check_square_matrix(X):
        if (X.transpose() == X).all():
            return "is a Symmetric Matrix"
            return "not a Symmetric Matrix"
        return "not a Symmetric Matrix since it is not Square Matrix"
In [111]:
## pseudo generate a symmetric matrix 

base_matrix = np.random.randint(20, size = (3,3))
SA = (base_matrix + base_matrix.T)
print "Matrix A - \n {0}".format(np.matrix(SA))
## generate a random matrix
SB = np.random.randint(20, size=(3,3))
print "Matrix B - \n {0}".format(SB)

SC = np.random.randint(20, size=(2,10))
print "Matrix C - \n {0}".format(SC)
Matrix A - 
 [[34 16 12]
 [16 10 21]
 [12 21 18]]
Matrix B - 
 [[19  2 18]
 [15  3 17]
 [ 8 15 17]]
Matrix C - 
 [[ 0  4  8  0  6  6  4  9  8  0]
 [ 0  1  9 17  6  0  6  8  9  8]]
In [112]:
print("Is Matrix A {0}".format(check_symmetry(SA)))
print("Is Matrix B {0}".format(check_symmetry(SB)))
print("Is Matrix C {0}".format(check_symmetry(SC)))
Is Matrix A is a Symmetric Matrix
Is Matrix B not a Symmetric Matrix
Is Matrix C not a Symmetric Matrix since it is not Square Matrix

3. Hermitian Matrix -

A square matrix X is self-adjoint or a Hermitian matrix if -

$$ \begin{align} \overline{X^{T}} = X = X^{H} \end{align} $$

Note that the terms self-adjoint and Hermitian can be used interchangeably.

In [113]:
def check_hermitian(X):
    if check_square_matrix(X):
        if (np.conjugate(X.transpose()) == X).all():
            return "is a Hermitian Matrix"
            return "is not a Hermitian Matrix"
        return "is not a Hermitian Matrix since it is not a Square Matrix"
In [114]:
## pseudo generate a symmetric matrix 

##generate a random complex matrix with entries between -20 and 10.
base_matrix = np.random.randint(-10, 10, size = (3,3)) + 1j * np.random.randint(-20, 10, size = (3,3))
## trick to force symmetric nature
HA = (base_matrix + np.conjugate(base_matrix.T))
print "Matrix A - \n {0}".format(np.matrix(HA))

## generate a random complex matrix that is not symmetric
HB = np.random.randint(-10, 10, size=(3,3)) + 1j * np.random.randint(-20, 10, size = (3,3))
print "Matrix B - \n {0}".format(HB)

HC = np.random.randint(-10, 10, size=(5,2)) + 1j * np.random.randint(-20, 10, size = (5,2))
print "Matrix C - \n {0}".format(HC)
Matrix A - 
 [[-16. +0.j  -5. -8.j  -4.+20.j]
 [ -5. +8.j  18. +0.j  -4.-10.j]
 [ -4.-20.j  -4.+10.j  18. +0.j]]
Matrix B - 
 [[-10. -7.j   2. +6.j  -3.-10.j]
 [  0.-20.j   2. -9.j   2. -9.j]
 [  3. -4.j   4.-19.j   3. -1.j]]
Matrix C - 
 [[ -6. -4.j   2. +1.j]
 [  1. +9.j   5.-19.j]
 [  9.-16.j   7. -3.j]
 [  3.-12.j -10. +3.j]
 [  0. -1.j  -4. +0.j]]
In [115]:
print("Is Matrix A {0}".format(check_hermitian(HA)))
print("Is Matrix B {0}".format(check_hermitian(HB)))
print("Is Matrix C {0}".format(check_hermitian(HC)))
Is Matrix A is a Hermitian Matrix
Is Matrix B is not a Hermitian Matrix
Is Matrix C is not a Hermitian Matrix since it is not a Square Matrix

4. Hessian Matrix -

The Hessian of a multivariate function $f(x_1, x_2, ...x_n)$ is a way for organizing second-order partial derivatives in the form of a matrix.

Consider a multivariate fucntion $ f(x_1, x_2, ...x_n) $ then its Hessian can be defined as follows -

$$ \begin{align} H_f = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial ^2 f}{\partial x_1^2} & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_1 \partial x_2} & \cdots & \frac{\partial ^2 f}{\partial x_1 \partial x_n} \\ \frac{\partial ^2 f}{\partial x_2 \partial x_1} & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial {x_2}^2 } & \cdots & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_2 \partial x_n} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \cdots & \vdots\\ \frac{\partial ^2 f}{\partial x_n \partial x_1} & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_n \partial x_2 } & \cdots & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial {x_n}^2 } \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{align} $$

Note that a Hessian matrix by definition is a Square and Symmetric matrix.

5. Positive Definite and Semidefinte Matrices -

You may have seen references about these matrices at multiple places but the definition and ways to prove definitiveness remains elusive to many. Let us start with the text definition -

\begin{align} A \; n \times n \; square \; matrix \; X \; is \; Postive \; Definite \; if \;\;\; a^TXa \; > \; 0 \; \forall a \; \in \; \mathbb R^n. \end{align}


\begin{align} A \; n \times n \; square \; matrix \; X \; is \; Postive \; Semidefinite \; if \;\; a^TXa \geq 0 \; \forall \; a \in \; \mathbb R^n. \end{align}

The same logic can be easily extended to Negative Definite and Negative Semidefinite matrices.

\begin{align} A \; n \times n \; square \; matrix \; X \; is \; Negative \; Definite \; if \;\; a^TXa \; < \; 0 \; \forall a \; \in \; \mathbb R^n. \end{align}

And finally,

\begin{align} A \; n \times n \; square \; matrix \; X \; is \; Negative \; Semidefinite \; if \;\; a^TXa \leq 0 \; \forall \; a \in \; \mathbb R^n. \end{align}
  • However, while checking for Matrix Definiteness, manually validating the condition of every value of x is definitely not an option.
  • So let us try and break this down even further.

Eigen Values and Eigen Vector -

We know that an eigenvector is a vector whose direction remains unchanged when a linear transformation is applied to it.


$$ \begin{align} Xa = \lambda a \tag{1} \end{align} $$

Where, $\lambda $ represents a scalar called the eigenvalue. This simply means that the linear transformation X on a can be completely defined by $\lambda $.

pre-multiplying eq.(1) by $a^T$ gives -

$$ \begin{align} a^TXa = a^T \lambda a \tag{2} \end{align} $$

since $\lambda $ in eq.(2) is a scalar we can write eq.(2) as - $$ \begin{align} a^TXa = \lambda a^T a = \lambda <a, a> \tag{3} \end{align} $$ where,
$<x, y>$ represent the dot product, $x^Ty$


  • It is easy to see that the dot product of a with $a^T$ will always be positive.
  • Referring back to the definition of positive definite matrix and eq(3), $a^TXa$ can be greater than zero if and only if $\lambda$ is greater than zero.

Derived Definition for Matrix Definiteness -

Based on pointers mentioned in above Analysis we can tweak the formal definitions of Matrix Definiteness as follows -

  1. A Symmetric Matrix 'X' is Positive Definite if $\lambda_{i} > \; 0 \;\; \forall i$
  2. A Symmetric Matrix 'X' is Positive Semi-Definite if $\lambda_{i} \geq \; 0 \;\; \forall i$
  3. A Symmetric Matrix 'X' is Negative Definite if $\lambda_{i} < \; 0 \;\; \forall i$
  4. A Symmetric Matrix 'X' is Negative Semi-Definite if $\lambda_{i} \leq \; 0 \;\; \forall i$
In [116]:
### computing eigen values in python - 

def compute_eigen_values(X):
    eigen_values= np.linalg.eigvals(X)
    return eigen_values

def check_definiteness(eigen_values):
    if (eigen_values > 0).all():
        return "Matrix is Postive Definite as well as Positive Semidefinite"
    elif (eigen_values >= 0).all():
        return "Matrix is Postive Semi Definite only"
    elif (eigen_values < 0).all():
        return "Matrix is Negative Definite as well as Negative Semidefinite"
    elif (eigen_values <= 0).all():
        return "Matrix is Negative SemiDefinite"
        return "Matrix is neither positive definite nor negative definite"
base_eig_matrix = make_spd_matrix(3)
EA = base_eig_matrix + base_eig_matrix.transpose()
ea_eigen_values = compute_eigen_values(EA)
print "Eigen values are %s"%ea_eigen_values
print check_definiteness(ea_eigen_values)
Eigen values are [6.54206241 0.08543726 0.82923445]
Matrix is Postive Definite as well as Positive Semidefinite

Alternate Definition for Dtermining Matrix Defniteness -

  1. Computing Eigen values for large matrices often involves solving linear equations.
  2. Large Matrices will will involve solving linear equations in large number of variables.
  3. Hence, It may not always to be feasible to solve for Eigen Values.

An Alternate Theorem for Determing Defniteness of Matrices comes to the rescue -

Theorem -

  1. A Symmetric Matrix 'X' is Positive Definite if $D_k > \; 0 \;\; \forall k$ Where, $D_k$ represents the kth Leading Principal Minor.
  2. A Symmetric Matrix 'X' is Positive Semi-Definite if $\bigtriangleup_k \geq \; 0 \;\; \forall k$ Where, $\bigtriangleup_k$ represents the kth Principal Minor.
  3. A Symmetric Matrix 'X' is Negative Definite if $D_k < \; 0 \;\; \forall k$ Where, $D_k$ represents the kth Leading Principal Minor.
  4. A Symmetric Matrix 'X' is Negative Semi-Definite if $\bigtriangleup_k \leq \; 0 \;\; \forall k$ Where, $\bigtriangleup_k$ represents the kth Principal Minor.

Principal Minors of a Matrix -

  • For a Square Matrix X, a Pricipal Submatrix of order k is obtained by deleting any (n-k) rows and corresponding (n-k) columns.
  • The determinant of such a Pricipal Submatrix is called as the Principal Minor of matrix X.

Leading Principal Minors of a Matrix -

  • For a Square Matrix X, a Leading Pricipal Submatrix of order k is obtained by deleting last (n-k) rows and corresponding (n-k) columns.
  • The determinant of such a Leading Pricipal Submatrix is called as the Leading Principal Minor of matrix X.

Proving / Checking Convexity of a function -

With all the relevant definitions and theorem covered in previous sections, we are now ready to define checks for determining the convexity of functions.

A function f(x) defined over n variables on an open convex set $S$ can be tested for convexity using following criteria -

If $X^H$ is the Hessian Matrix of f(x) then -

  • f(x) is strictly convex in $S$ if $X^H$ is a Postive Definite Matrix.
  • f(x) is convex in $S$ if $X^H$ is a Postive Semi-Definite Matrix.
  • f(x) is strictly concave in $S$ if $X^H$ is a Negative Definite Matrix.
  • f(x) is concave in $S$ if $X^H$ is a Negative Semi-Definite Matrix.

Example -

Consider an equation of Quadratic form -

$$ \begin{align} f(x_1, x_2, x_3) = 5x_1^2 - 2x_1x_2 + 2x_2^2 + x_3x_2 + x_3^2 \end{align} $$

STEP 1 - Computing the Hessian

The Hessian of $f(x_1, x_2, x_3)$ can be defined as follows - $$ \begin{align} X^H = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_1^2}} & \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_1x_2}} & \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_1x_3}} \\ \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_2x_1}} & \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_2^2}} & \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_2x_3}} \\ \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_3x_1}} & \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_3x_2}} & \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_3^2}} \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{align} $$

\begin{align} \\ \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_1^2}} & = \frac{\partial{}}{\partial{x_1^2}}(5x_1^2 - 2x_1x_2 + 2x_2^2 + x_3x_2 + x_3^2) \\ & = \frac{\partial{}}{\partial{x_1}}(10x_1 -2x_2) \\ & = 10 \end{align}


\begin{align} \\ \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_1x_2}} & = \frac{\partial{}}{\partial{x_1x_2}}(5x_1^2 - 2x_1x_2 + 2x_2^2 + x_3x_2 + x_3^2) \\ & = \frac{\partial{}}{\partial{x_1}}(-2x1 + 4x_2 + 1) \\ & = -2 \\ & = \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_2x_1}} \end{align}\begin{align} \\ \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_1x_3}} & = \frac{\partial{}}{\partial{x_1x_3}}(5x_1^2 - 2x_1x_2 + 2x_2^2 + x_3x_2 + x_3^2) \\ & = \frac{\partial{}}{\partial{x_1}}(1x_2 + 2x_3) \\ & = 0 \\ & = \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_3x_1}} \end{align}\begin{align} \\ \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_2^2}} & = \frac{\partial{}}{\partial{x_2^2}}(5x_1^2 - 2x_1x_2 + 2x_2^2 + x_3x_2 + x_3^2) \\ & = \frac{\partial{}}{\partial{x_2}}(-2x_1 + 4x_2 + x_3) \\ & = 4 \end{align}\begin{align} \\ \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_2x_3}} & = \frac{\partial{}}{\partial{x_2x_3}}(5x_1^2 - 2x_1x_2 + 2x_2^2 + x_3x_2 + x_3^2) \\ & = \frac{\partial{}}{\partial{x2}}(x_2 + 2x_3) \\ & = 1 \\ & = \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_3x_2}} \end{align}\begin{align} \\ \frac{\partial{f^2}}{\partial{x_3^2}} & = \frac{\partial{}}{\partial{x_3^2}}(5x_1^2 - 2x_1x_2 + 2x_2^2 + x_3x_2 + x_3^2) \\ & = \frac{\partial{}}{\partial{x_3}}(x_2 + 2x_3) \\ & = 2 \end{align}$$ \begin{align} X^H = \begin{bmatrix}10 & -2 & 0 \\ -2 & 4 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 2\end{bmatrix} \end{align} $$

Step 2 - Compute Leading Principal Minors -

for k = 3, delete last (3-3) =0 rows and (3-3) = 0 columns $$ \begin{align} \\ D_{k} & = D_{3} \\ &= \begin{vmatrix}10 & -2 & 0 \\ -2 & 4 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 2 \\ \end{vmatrix} \\ & = 62 \end{align} $$

for k = 2, delete last (3-2) =1 rows and corresponding (3-2) = 1 columns $$ \begin{align} \\ D_{k} & = D_{2} \\ &= \begin{vmatrix}10 & -2 \\ -2 & 4 \\ \end{vmatrix} \\ & = 36 \end{align} $$

for k = 1, delete last (3-1) =2 rows and corresponding (3-1) = 2 columns $$ \begin{align} \\ D_{k} & = D_{1} \\ & = D_1 \\ &= \begin{vmatrix}10 \\ \end{vmatrix} \\ & = 10 \end{align} $$

Since $D_1 > 0 $, $D_2 >0 $ and $D_3 > 0$, Hessian of $f(x_1, x_2, x_3)$ is Positive Definite.

Step 3 - Comment on Convexity -

  • Since Hessian of $f(x_1, x_2, x_3)$ is Positive Definite, the function is strictly convex.

Properties of Convex functions -

  • Constant functions of the form $f(x) = c$ are both convex and concave.
  • $f(x) = x$ is both convex and concave.
  • Functions of the form $f(x) = x^r$ with $r \geq 1$ are convex on the Interval $0 < x < \infty$
  • Functions of the form $f(x) = x^r$ with $0 < r < 1$ are concave on the Interval $0 < x < \infty$
  • The function $f(x) = \log{(x)}$ is concave on the interval $0 < x < \infty$
  • The function $f(x) = e^{x}$ is convex everywhere.
  • If $f(x)$ is convex, then $g(x) = cf(x)$ is also convex for any positive value of c.
  • If $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ are convex then their sum $h(x) = f(x) + g(x)$ is also convex.

Final Comments -

  • We have investigated convex functions in depth while studying different ways of proving convexity.
  • In the next part of the article, we shall prove convexity of MSE loss function used in linear regression.
  • Convex functions are easy to minimise thus resulting in its usage across research domains.
  • So, the next time you want to plug in a different loss function in place of MSE while training a linear regression model, you might as well check its convexity.
